Àgata Alcañiz
Àgata has been practicing Qigong since 2011, when she first discovered this ancient Chinese practice in a class run at her GPs in Salford. During these classes, she realised that Qigong was more than mere exercise. It was a practice that helped her life flow better.
Trained by Chen Style Tai Chi teacher Liming Yue, Àgata began teaching in 2016 and since 2018, she’s been a dedicated disciple of Buddhist, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Qigong teachers Edmond Ho-Yuen To and Rae Story, following the Chongheh Daoshi lineage.
“ Qigong helped me heal a lifelong condition in less than a month. Time and time again, it has proven to be a very powerful practice that I use as a preventive medicine, and also for healing, grounding myself in challenging times, and maintaining a clear mind ”