Carrie Rogers
Carrie was introduced to yoga when she was an art student in 1971 by Richard Hittleman. The energy that yoga gave her when first practiced was so strong, that she has practiced yoga every day since.
Carrie started to research the subject and attend yoga classes. After qualifying and working as a graphic designer she found that yoga was a wonderful way of finding peace. She has since gained teaching qualifications and a degree in education.
Carrie has practiced many styles of yoga over the years, Hatha, Yin, Iyengar, Ashtanga, Dynamic Flow to name a few. She was influenced by the teaching of Smami Satyananda Saraswati and qualified to teach Yoga in 1987 at the Satyananda Yoga Centre, North Manchester School of Yoga
She has studied under many distinguished teachers. Smami Satyananda, Swami Satchidananda, Swami Nirvikar Ananda, Smami Pragyamurti, Padma O’Gara, Philip Xerri, Audrey Fleming, Priya Rasanayagam, Mathew Godbinski, Sarah Hague, and many more.
She attends more than 12 seminars and workshops a year with many different teachers such as Liz Lark, Alan Oatman, and Peter Blackaby learning different styles and views on Yoga. She also attends a retreat every year.
Carrie teaches Hatha Yoga and incorporates many influences from other styles. Pranayana, relaxation and meditation are important aspects of the sessions.