Jane Craggs
Jane first came across yoga whilst studying drama and then whilst living in Spain she began to study in the classical yoga tradition and completed teacher training there. She completed further training with the BWY and on Donna Farhi’s advanced teacher training program.
Jane has been teaching in Manchester since 2001 when she set up Yogaspace and subsequently Manchester Yoga Shala- a Yoga Teachers Collective. She has been fortunate to work with some inspirational teachers , eventually leading her to the clear and authentic work of AG and Indra Mohan in Chennai . She studies with them and their son Ganesh in India as well as continuing online study of the Yoga Sutras. She is currently undertaking Yoga Therapy Training with Ganesh Mohan and has completed ayurvedic studies with the Ayurvedic Institute and ayurvedic therapist training in India.
Jane teaches therapeutic , specialist classes in Greater Manchester and is a board and faculty member of Yogacampus Teacher Training. Jane’s yoga teaching is faithful to what she has been taught by the Mohan family who are dedicated to presenting the authentic teachings of Sri T Krishnamacharya. This therapeutic practice is simple and accessible and can be applied to all individuals for peace of mind and a healthy body.